Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tips and Tricks to a Clean and Clutter-Free Home

Cleaning is such a gruesome activity especially to busy moms like me. One thing I learned as I go through this whole SAHMhood (Stay at Home Mom) process is to clean as I go. I pick up mess little by little for it not to accumulate otherwise I would end up cleaning heaps of junk that would take me forever to finish.

Make a schedule and stick to it. Spending too much time in a room will definitely sidetrack your cleaning strategy. Just note the portions that would need major cleaning or fixation and do it some other time. Don’t go from one room to another, start at one spot and finish the cleaning at another. This would save you from bringing dirty stuff in a room that you’ve already cleaned.

If you don’t have that much time everyday, pick at least two jobs, like dusting the bedrooms and doing the laundry. Vacuum those dusts away as the washing machine is doing its job. This way you have saved precious time and lessened your laundry and dust piles a bit. My mom taught me to “dust away everyday” to avoid build up. It’s true.

Keep stacks of toys in covered bins. This would not only save your house from clutter, you’re also saving the toys from dust and germs. One thing though – as much as possible avoid buying those crappy toys in fast foods, not only that it’s impractical, it also adds to the heap.

Wipe it down. Use a damp cloth and a cleaner to clean those surfaces, door knobs and handles. Perhaps if you have Clorox wipes - the better.

Use your nose. Does your kitchen smell like rotten cabbage? Open the windows and spray some air freshener! Refrigerator stinks? Leave an open pack of charcoal or baking soda so it would absorb the unwanted smell. And please – don’t leave any rubber shoes on the shoe compartment! Let it breathe first before putting it there. Save yourself from the unbearable foul smell.

Keep those magazines in a rack and books on the shelves. With several monthly magazine subscriptions, I would understand that you have barely read most of it, so instead of letting it go, why not buy a rack especially for your magazines instead of leaving them on the floor? Arranged your books according to author or publisher for organization, it’s easy to get it that way.

Always remind yourself with these tips and tricks. Happy cleaning!

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Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

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