Sunday, May 10, 2009


Every family who plans to build or renovate their houses has thought of changing their roofs to keep up with the current standards. Roofs need to be changed or repaired at least every 10 years adhering to the safety standards issued by the government. Homeowners desire a roof that’s inexpensive, maintenance-free, and something that would last a long time. So one has to choose a roof with materials that would save them cost of replacement.

By choosing the right roof for your house, you’ll also save more in the long run. One good example is choosing a light-colored roof that doesn’t absorb heat from the sun – this kind will keep your attic cooler and therefore electricity bills will go down.

Here’s a list of the most popular types of roofing. Carefully read each description and see which one answers the needs of your home. Always remember that cost doesn’t guarantee quality so choose the right material, have it installed, and cautiously maintain it to ensure life-long functional roofing.

Composition Shingles are today’s hottest choice. Being the most popular and trendy one, these shingles are made of substances like tar, thick felt, crushed rock and other suitable materials formed together into a 2 – 3 feet slate. Higher quality of these is made up of asphalt or fiberglass which is more durable.

Wood Shakes are made of Western red cedar – a long lasting, straight-grained wood which gives the wood surprising strength regardless of the cut. Wood resists heat transmission twice as well as composition shingles, too.

Downside of wood shakes is that it requires more maintenance especially if you live in places with harsh climate. The best option here is to perform preventive maintenance and cleaning every 5 years or so. Another thing, wood shakes are not fire-resistant and may be required to be pressure-treated.

Clay Tile is the roofing solution if you want your house to spell elegance. These provide the house elegant architectural designs and the thickest textures. They are one of the most decorative historic roofing materials since they come with a variety of shapes, colors, patterns, and textures.

If properly installed, tiles will last for years. These will resist fire, hail and strong winds and considered as environment-friendly due to its heat-reflectivity and overall durability making it a popular choice world-wide.

Slate is one expensive choice. Its benefits include very long life-span, excellent fire protection, low maintenance and invulnerability to rots and insects.

Concrete Tile like shakes, shingles and light-weight tiles are manufactured from a variety of fiber-reinforced cement products. Like slate, you will also benefit a very long life-span, excellent fire protection, low maintenance and invulnerability to rots and insects when you choose concrete tile as your roofing preference.

Aside from the choices above, metal roofs and hot mops can also be considered a roofing option. There are a lot of options but your decision will depend on your budget and the needs of your home.

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